3. ieskaites 2. P.D.
Sport cuts teenage crime
Youth crime and vandalism in the Patchway district of Bristol have fallen by 20% in just a few months. Why? Because young people have stopped encouraging each other to do stupid and antisocial things, and are now making sure that they keep out of tr ouble. And it's all the result of a new football league!
"Peer pressure" is a strong force, specially among young people. Almost everyone can remember a moment when they have feltcompelled to do something because their friends were doing it, or to buy something because their friends had bought it.
Without peer pressure, fashion would not be the same, andadvertising would be much harder. There would also be fewer of today's big social problems: drugs, crime and so on. Yet although peer pressure is usually seen as a bad influence, it can also produce positive results.
Jon Owen and David Morgan, two Bristol policemen, have organised a six-a-side football league for teenagers in Patchway, one of the...