Summary 1
According to European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) there is a term „bioethics” that has an influential meaning in terms of progress of biomedical sciences. Bioethics ensures the protection of the human being. All the Cour’s judgments, Commission decisions, cases, legal summaries an other information are published in the HUDOC database. Providing access to the case-law it is shown that there are a lot of examples of cases in which bioethical issues have been raised. Continueing the summary, all of them will be mentioned.
Reproductive rights is the first specific issue arising in the relation to biomedicine. It icnludes prenatal dianogis problem, the right to a legal abortion as well as right to give a birth at home. Thus, as an example could be mentioned a case no.50490/99 in Italy where the applicant’s wife terminated her pregnancy against the father’s will. As a result the complaint was rejected under Article 8, holding that when the mother intends to have an abortion her ri...