How to prepare the exam paper in Financial Management?
(Instruction for the students)
The idea. This course is designed to provide students with an applied understanding of application of financialanalysis tools based on the analysis of a specific practical situation. The aim of the paper is to develop the students’analytical skills so that they can understand the role of financial management in managerial decision making at adeeper level in the context of a commercial activity in a company. This assignment must be completedindividually by each student.Possible subject for research:1) Evaluation of a company’s financial position;2) Evaluation of certain aspect of a company’s financial performance (liquidity, solvency, creditability, etc.)with recommendation on how to improve it?3) Pricing policy and the Break-even analysis in the aviation industry/ IT industry;4) Budgeting5) Capital investment appraisal (evaluation of investment project);6) Digital Finance (DF) focusing on one of three...