Introduction 3
1. What is communication in organization 4
1.1. Methods of communication 7
2. Communicative peculiarities of management in the organization 9
Conclusions 15
Sources 16
Communications are a vital component in the head work, because communication is the exchange of information between people. Without information sharing, they cannot work together to formulate problems and to solve them.
Communication is a key element in ensuring the effectiveness of management. Head to spend from 50 to 90% of their time on communication. Not only the word, figure and other information that may be presented in writing or graphically, is the main place and is important in the communication process, but also other elements (gestures, facial expressions, pauses) can be determinative from the standpoint of evaluating the effectiveness of management.
In this regard, a professional Manager has to understand how the environment affects the exchange of information, and master ...