Question 1
Cullen & Allwood use a term “Final Services” and Darby & Fawcett “Energy Services”. The names (categorization) of the different services does not match entirely by name and numbers, but is “Final Service” and “Energy Service” the same concept? Motivate why/why not?
It is necessary to analyze the definitions of each concept to answer this question. According to Darby and Fawcett, energy services are “the benefits provided by energy services” (2018). As Cullen and Allwood claim, final services are “not the use of energy in itself but rather the outcome from using energy to satisfy human needs and wants” (2010). Thus, it can be noted that each of these concepts does not explain the nature of energy services, but refers to the results of their use. This focus on usage results is common in these concepts.
At the same time, the concept of Cullen and Allwood reflects the efficiency of the use of energy products, while Darby and Fawcett’s concept introduces the sufficiency o...