Table of Contents
Introduction 5
1. Theoretical aspects of the personnel management system of small and medium enterprises 7
1.1. The essence and characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises 7
1.2. The concept of the human capital and its management 12
1.3. The main factors and principles of the development of the HR management system of a SME 20
2. Features of human resource management at the SIA MKBC TOUR 25
2.1. General characteristics of the SIA MKBC TOUR 25
2.2. Factors influencing human resource management SIA Mkbc tour 30
2.3 Interpretation of the obtained results and development of a strategy to improve the effectiveness of HRM SIA Mkbc tour 39
Conclusions and Proposals; 44
List of literature and sources used 45
Appendix 1 50
Appendix 2 53
Appendix 3 54
Relevance. Globalization and the development of a knowledge economy have had a significant impact on the management of the 21st century. Its main distinctive features are humanization, the transition to a m...