Introduction 2
1. What kind of digital media does the organisation/brand use and how are their digital media interconnected? 4
2. How does the organisation/brand design and produce their digital media? 11
References 11
Ingvar Kamprad established IKEA in 1953 as a mail-order catalog business in the forested town of Älmhult, Sweden. It is a worldwide home furnishing company these days (History - IKEA, n.d.). Today IKEA is considered one of the most famous international trading companies (Topic: IKEA, 2021). As of the end of August 2020, there were 445 IKEA stores worldwide. In 2020, IKEA Group's annual revenue to 39.6 billion euros, down from 41.3 billion euros in the previous year (IKEA stores worldwide 2020 | Statista, 2021). The study of the successful corporate strategy for IKEA is relevant since few international trading corporations are efficient in conquering foreign markets. Thus, Wal-Mart was forced to leave Germany (Saini, 2019), Carrefour - from J...