Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2
1.1. Paper’s Objective 2
1.2. Problem Definition and Solution 2
2. Features, Benefits and Market Opportunity 3
2.1. Gap Analysis 3
2.2. Features and Benefits 4
2.3. Market Opportunity 5
3. Market strategy 6
3.1. Porter’s Five Forces Industry Analysis 6
3.2. Competitive positioning 7
3.3. Market Strategy 8
3.4. Generic Go-to-Market Strategy 8
3.5. Fictional Persona 9
3.6. Elevator Pitch 10
4. Financial model 10
5. Conclusions 12
6. Bibliography 14
Paper’s Objective
Paper's Objective is to attract investment resources to create the company LUOU LUOU. The purpose of the project is to make a profit through innovative product promotion. LUOU LUOU Smart pod is a small company with a long-term focus. To achieve its goals, the company must focus on the mission behind the vision. The company's vision is realized in three ways:
Simplify the daily work of medical personnel through the introduction of high technologies.
Ensure job creation with com...