Part 1. Academic Vocabulary.
1. failing to give proper care or attention a. affiliate
2. desire to know; inquisitive interest b. analgesic
3. young, immature, youthful c. apiece
4. lawful, conforming to accepted standards d. compensation
5. forced removal from one's country e. concoct
6. an occurrence or even; happening f. confess
7. payment for service, loss or expense g. curiosity
8. one who tries to escape, runaway h. crummy
9. feeling of uneasiness, doubt or fear i. exile
10. causing death j. sober
11. not drunk; serious k. fatal
12. admit to wrongdoing l. fugitive
13. each, individually m. hemorrhage
14. lousy, miserable, or worthless n. incident
15. excessive bleeding o. juvenile
16. lacking energy or spirit p. negligent
17. branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders q. legitimate
18. create by combining various ingredients r. listless
19. something used to reduce pain s. psychiatry
20. associate as a member t. qualm
Part 2. Grammar.
Passive voice. Rewrite the sentences.