Social Networks as a marketing tool: analysis and suggestions for promotion of Riga
Table of content
Introduction 2
1. Internet communications in the territories' promotion 4
1.1. Theoretical aspects of destination marketing 4
1.2. Internet communications as a promotion tool in marketing 6
2. Internet technologies and marketing in Latvia and Riga 9
2.1. Internet and social media trends in Latvia 9
2.2. Analysis of the conducted quantitative study 14
3. The use of social networks in marketing Riga 18
3.1. Social networks in promotion of Riga 18
3.2. Proposals for using social networks for Riga promotion 23
Conclusions 25
Recommendations 25
Refferences 27
Appendix 1 31
According to Kotler and Keller, marketing is a central factor in the effective interaction of a company with its customers, which increases customer loyalty and brand value (Kotler & Keller, 2016).
In turn, for territorial marketing, the objects of study and promotion are most often cities. However, entire...