Tag: Menedžments


IEVADS Starptautiskie kvalitātes standarti ir vienkopus uzskaitīti noteikumi un norādījumi, kas ir izstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu visā pasaulē atzītu un pieņemtu produktu, pakalpojumu vai procesa kvalitāti. Šie standarti ir izstrādāti dažādās nozarēs un tiek izmantoti, lai nodrošinātu vienotu pieeju kvalitātes vadībai un novērtēšanai. Starptautiskie kvalitātes standarti palīdz uzņēmumiem uzlabot to darbības

Financial Management

Problem 1: Use the company’s financial data to answer the questions. Vortex IT Company: Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2017 (In Thousands) Cash $77,500 Accounts payable $129,000 Receivables 336,000 Notes payable 84,000 Inventories 241,500 Other current liabilities 117,000 Total current assets 655,000 Total current liabilities 330,000 Net fixed assets

RIMI Baltic13032023

1. Enterprise Management 1.1. Analysis of general factors and task/specific factors of RIMI Baltic   The author chose RIMI Baltic as the object of analysis (Fig. 1.). Figure 1. Company logo Rimi Baltic is an ICA Gruppen AB subsidiary. Good corporate governance involves ensuring that ICA Gruppen AB is handled

Strategic Management 121203

  1. Mission Statement Using technology to set the standard for innovation, service, and value for investors seeking more control over their investments. E-Trade’s rich suit of products and services can be customized to reflect a customer’s unique needs and interests, including portfolio tracking, free real-time quotes, market news, and

The information system of the bank was decentralized

Case 2 (Lecture 2 – 28th of March) The information system of the bank was decentralized, since the bank has entrusted its branches to run their operations autonomously, thus each of them has developed their own framework of how questions and problems should be solved which in turn resulted incomplete

Lean and Mean with Information Systems 03

Case 1 – 1st lecture (14 of March) Lean and Mean with Information Systems Boehringer’s most critical goal was to enhance productivity within the hospital, to make operations more rapid, so that they would not take a lot of time, so that they would be properly documented, so that mistakes

What was Dell’s original strategy?

Case 3 1) What was Dell’s original strategy? The strategy that Dell has though up himself ( as a private producer of PC’s) mainly concerned approach to customers and the level of customisation of the products he made. Made-to order approach was the one that Dell used first of all

Lean and Mean with Information Systems 02

Case 1 – for lecture on 14th of March 2008 Lean and Mean with Information Systems When designing the system the company has utilised the IS planning approach, in order to keep the IS system on the top level as well as perfectly in line with the needs of the

Lean and Mean with Information Systems 01

Lean and Mean with Information Systems In general when designing a new system firms usually examine the offers of vendors that sell the software. Those offers are usually specially designed to meet the needs of the company apart from satisfying the general requirements to the software in question. It is

Lean and Mean with Information Systems

In order to design the system with the most up to date information available Boehringer tried to establish several critical goal –some of them were to enhance productivity within the hospital make operations more rapid properly document operations have a chance to spot and trace mistakes have a chance to

The IS of the bank had no inner organization

Case 1 / Lecture 1 Since the company hired an outside professional in order to install and develop the new system, the company had to consider several aspects quite thoroughly, one of those aspects was how the system would solve the problems of the company – they needed to see

What makes an innovative company? 04

“What makes an innovative company” There are many definitions for the word “innovation”, it could be used to describe a product, a process, a result of an action, an aim for an organization, a method of creating a competitive advantage, and finally but not lastly as a process. In order

What makes an innovative company? 03

“What makes an innovative company” Since there are many definitions of innovation itself, there are as well many views on what is an innovative organization. However having undertaken a literature research I have to come to find that actually there are several attributes and common characteristics of innovative companies- or

What makes an innovative company? 02

What makes an innovative company? Innovative companies are pretty common nowadays since the world is changing so fast that one has to keep up, thus constantly focus on innovating both operations and the goods and services themselves. Some authors consider that clients and employees are the main sources of innovation

What makes an innovative company?

What makes an innovative company? In order to understand what features are within an innovative company and moreover what should be considered as an innovation, the author proposes to review different views, opinions and definitions on the theory of innovation. In the table below, the author describes the most frequent

MUS2810 2021-22: assignment 2 brief (finished work attached ppt+xls)

MUS2810 2021-22: assignment 2 brief Pitch a music-related business of your choice via video (c. 10 mins) This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes: be able to apply knowledge of relevant concepts to outline the stepsrequired to set up a viable music-related business; plan and deliver a convincing oral presentation

Exam Management GF6k7

Case 1 – Boehringer Ingelheim, GmbH, Germany Boehringer’s most critical goals and considerations when designing the new system were To meet the needs and requests of the CFO and stakeholders To allow for transparent up to date information To allow quick access to the financial information To make the system

Innovation Management FHG678K

What makes an innovative company? 革新, Uuendus, naujovė, jaunievedums, innovación, innovation, нововведение – the words that mean “innovations” are rather complex themselves, however the differences in languages help us understand the nature of innovation. It is pretty complex at first, when you first encounter the notion, you are reluctant to

Ocean Carriers (docx+xls attached)

Ocean Carriers Question 1 Do you expect daily spot rates to increase or decrease next years? Calendar Year Iron Ore Shipments (Millions of Tons) % Growth Avg spot rate Growth 1994 375   16851   1995 397 5,87% 20149 19,57% 1996 385 -3,02% 11730 -41,78% 1997 424 10,13% 14794 26,12%


Question 1 Several motives for diversification might be outlined: Diversification is just a way to grow. Indeed, a number of authorities name growth as the principle motive for diversification. Unlike natural growth which takes time for planning, developing, and implementing a new project, diversification can be achieved fairly quickly with

Cooper Industries

Part I – Strategic Analysis of Cooper Industries Case The attractiveness of the target acquisition might be measured I different perspectives, first of all the financial one, second of all the costs associated with the merger and third of all the overall strategic compatibility of two companies, and therefore the

Alternatīvas investīcijas GF47

Saturs Ievads 3 1. NODAĻA 5 1.1. Investīciju būtība 5 1.2. Investīciju veidi 8 2. NODAĻA 11 2.1. Alternatīvu investīciju būtība 11 2.2. Alternatīvu investīciju klasifikācija 12 3.NODAĻA 16 Alternatīvu investīciju analīze 16 Secinājumi un priekšlikumi 21 Izmantotā literatūra 23 Ievads Bernards Baruhs ir teicis: „Jebkurš naudas ieguldījums ir saistīts


GROUP WORK ORGANISATIONMETHODOLOGICAL MANUALINSTRUCTIONCompletion date – follow the information;Completion – attach completed work here “Exam submission”.Methodological manual – it is an analytical, concise written report of a learnerabout psychological aspects of a group management at a workplace.The aim of the methodological manual is to systematise, enhance and broadentheoretical knowledge of

Анализ Instagram рекламы SIA Shine Event и разработка предложений руководству

Содержание Введение 3 1. Теоретические основы рекламной деятельности в Instagram 5 1.1. Сущность цифрового маркетинга 5 1.2. Тенденции маркетинга и рекламы в социальных сетях 7 2. Исследование деятельности компании SIA Shine Event 11 2.1. Характеристика компании SIA Shine Event 11 2.2. Рекламная деятельность компании SIA Shine Event в Instagram 14

Тест по модулю менеджмент (Ответы в приложении)

Тест по модулю 1 С помощью чего происходит стратегический выбор?с помощью «сита» критериевс помощью интуициис помощью другас помощью предыдущего опыта2 Какие школы «собрал воедино» метод СЛОНа?начальную, среднюю и старшуюон собрал воедино техникумывсе 10 известных школ стратегии9 школ стратегии за исключением школы Портера3 Формулирование стратегии направленно на выработку?разработку миссии компаниисистемы целей

Test_2017_1_Menedžments (Atbildes pielikumā)

Тест по модулю 1 Как соотносятся цели и стратегия? цели ставятся в соответствии с выбранной стратегией стратегия – средство достижения целей, разрабатывается на основе уже формулированных целей цели и стратегия формулируются параллельно, а потом корректируются под взаимным влиянием друг друга цели и стратегия не связаны между собой 2 Какой подтип

Financial Management: Homework 65G6(Finished work attached Excel)

Problem 1: Use the company’s financial data to answer the questions. Vortex IT Company:   Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2017 (In Thousands) Cash                               $77,500                         Accounts payable            $129,000 Receivables                    336,000                         Notes payable                       84,000 Inventories&nbsp… Vai vēlaties izlasīt pilnu šī mācību materiāla versiju?Pieprasiet pilnu piekļuvi:

Gentlemen’s agreement in commercial contracts

GentlemenDownload Introduction 3 1. Contracts – essence and types 4 2. The essence of the gentleman’s agreement 8 Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction The growth of businesses in Latvia is integral to the nation’s overall economic progress and cannot be separated from it. The development of a trustworthy relationship between

Working capital management

Rarely are firms started for reasons other than profit. In order to improve the effectiveness of their operations, businesses examine a variety of financial metrics. The most significant and prevalent of these indicators are profitability and liquidity indicators. Profitability is an indicator of a company’s economic efficiency. That is, how

The effect of transformation leadership on government employee job satisfaction during Covid-19. (darbs un prezentācija pielikumā)

Almohtaseb, A., Almahameed, M., Sharari, F., & Dabbouri, E. (2021). The effect of transformation leadership on government employee job satisfaction during Covid-19. Management Science Letters, 11(4), 1231-1244. General description This article is devoted to investigation of the link between leadership and employee satisfaction during a crisis. The object of the study is

Stratēģiskās vadības pamatkoncepcijas

  Stratēģiskās vadības pamatkoncepcijas Anotācija Darbā tiek analizēti stratēģijas un stratēģiskās vadības teorētiskie aspekti, raksturoti stratēģiskās vadības galvenie koncepti un rīki, izstrādāts efektīvās stratēģiskās vadības modelis, kā arī doti secinājumi, kas gūti teorētisko aspektu analīzes un stratēģiskās vadības modeļa pilnveidošanas rezultātā. Darba saturs izklāstīts trijās nodaļās. Pirmā nodaļa dod ieskatu

Marketing agency for people with disabilities

  1. Project Summary 3 1.1 PROJECT SCOPE 4 1.2 SWOT ANALYZE 4 1.3 STAKEHOLDERS’ ANALYSIS: 5 2. Planning and Estimation 5 2.1 Description of Alternatives (min. 2 alternatives) 5 2.2 Effort Estimation 6 2.3 Schedule Planning 8 2.4 Cost estimates (for 2 alternatives) 11 3. Comparison of profitability 14

Uzņēmuma LAGE GROUP SIA risku analīze

  Uzņēmuma LAGE GROUP SIA risku analīze SATURA RĀDĪTĀJS Informācija par uzņēmumu 3 1. Likviditātes rādītāji 5 1.1. Kopējais likviditātes koeficients 5 1.2. Starpseguma likviditātes rādītāji 6 1.3. Absolūtas likviditātes koeficients 6 2. Maksātspējas rādītāji 8 2.1. Saistību īpatsvars bilancē 8 2.2. Pašu kapitāla parādsaistības 8 3. Kredītspējas un krāpnieciskā

INVESTMENT_MANAGEMENT1234 2208022 (Finished work attached)

QUESTION 1   Mrs Bounty manages a diversified UK equity portfolio which has a current market value of £2 million and a beta value of 0.9. The current level of the FTSE-100 index is 7200 but she thinks that it may fall over the coming months.   The FTSE-100 index

Подходы к инновационным социально-психологическим технологиям в социальной работе

Подходы к инновационным социально-психологическим технологиям в социальной работе Понятие «социальная технология» вошло в научный оборот только в 40-х годах XX века. Базой для разработки и развития этой категории является термин «технология», но технология не в традиционном смысле, который относится к только материальному производству, а в более широком – затрагивающем и

Восприятие образа бренда косметики MADARA среди женщин

  Восприятие образа бренда косметики MADARA среди женщин Содержание Введение 2 1. Сущность бренда и его восприятие 4 1.1. Сущность бренда 4 1.2. Восприятие бренда потребителями 7 1.3. Анализ косметического рынка 11 1.4. Косметический бренд Madara 18 Выводы по главе 1. 20 2. Анализ восприятия образа бренда косметики MADARA среди

Сравнительный анализ социальной рекламы о защите животных в России, Франции, Англии и Украине

Курсовая работа Сравнительный анализ социальной рекламы о защите животных в России, Франции, Англии и Украине Содержание Введение 3 1. Сущность и особенности социальной рекламы 4 1.1. Социальная реклама: сущность, история и особенности 4 1.2. Виды и инструменты социальной рекламы 10 1.3. Появление и развитие компаний по защите диких животных 14

Enterprise risk management

Chapter 1: Enterprise risk management 1. Describe in your own words what the Risk is? Compare your own definition with 3 other scientific definitions, specifying the authors as well. Risk, in my perspective, is the possibility of a situation arising that will have a negative impact on an activity’s success.


X NOVADĀ” „VELOCELIŅA IZBŪVES PROJEKTS X NOVADĀ” Saturs 1. Projekta iniciācija 3 1.1. Situācijas apraksts 3 1.2. Līdzdalības analīze 4 1.3. Mērķi, uzdevumi, problēmas 5 1.4. SVID analīze 6 1.5. Alternatīvu analīze 7 2. Organizatoriskā struktūra 8 3. Projekta plānošana 9 3.1. Laiku plānošana 9 3.1.1. Darbu struktūrplāns 9 3.1.2.Ganta

Report Plan and Management Report

Report Plan and Management Report Table of content Introduction 3 1. The essence of sustainable development 5 2. Implementation of the concept of sustainable development in practice 7 3. The main directions of activities in the field of sustainable development 10 Conclusion 12 References 14 Introduction The hospitality sector is

Meждyнapoднoe peгyлиpoвaниe дeятeльнocти cтpaxoвыx кoмпaний

  СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 1. ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ СТРАХОВОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ 8 1.1. Страхование как экономическая деятельность 8 1.2. Основы регулирования деятельности страховых компаний 16 1.3. Проблемы международного регулирования страховой деятельности 19 Выводы по первой главе 24 2. ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ СТРАХОВОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ 25 2.1. Методика исследования 25 2.2. Кейс 1. Регулирование страховой

Mg_Final Test_2021 200222 (Finished work attached)

I Test (One right answer per question. Right answers give max 20 points) A direct cost is a cost which:   is incurred as a direct consequence of a decision   can be economically identified with the item being costed   is immediately controllable   cannot be economically identified with

Менеджеры XXI века: роли, качества, компетенции

Менеджеры XXI века: роли, качества, компетенции Оглавление Введение 3 1. Основные тенденции развития экономики в 21 веке 5 2. Компетентностный подход 10 3. Отличительные черты современного менеджера 13 Выводы и предложения 16 Список использованной литературы 17 Введение Традиционный подход оценки деятельности компании основывается на анализе финансовых показателей компаний и ее

Влияние факторов внешней среды на эффективность деятельности организации на примере SIA “ALUBUILD CONSULTING”

  Введение 3 1. Внешняя среда предприятия 4 Макроокружение 5 Отраслевые факторы 6 Рыночные и конкурентные факторы 7 2. Общая характеристика SIA “ALUBUILD CONSULTING” 9 3. Макросреда компании SIA “ALUBUILD CONSULTING” 14 Выводы и предложения 20 Список использованной литературы 22 Введение Влияние внешней среды на деятельность предприятия в течение длительного

Iegūstiet piekļuvi visiem +5000 izpildītiem mācību darbiem.

Par 9.90 € jūs varat:
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– Lejuplādēt jebkurus 10 failus.

Piekļuve būs aktīva 24 stundas.

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