Each of the students should take 1 (one) hospitality business company from the country you are from (choose different countries with your groupmates). If your group consists of the three persons, compare the three companies.Find financial statements of these companies (balance sheets, statement of income, etc), make financial analysis of these companies. Compare balances – assets and liabilities including equities, revenues and expenses, profits, and other. Apply relevant ratios and proportions. Make conclusions about the financial statements of these companies.
Task 1 : Prepare a short review of financial analysis (with description of the company, profile, activities and the discussion on the financial data), up 5 pages maximum; include charts, tables in the report, provide visual demonstration of the data and financial analysis); you can review the 2 or 3 years’ period and comment the changes and differences;
Task 2: Prepare presentation PowerPoint (may includ...