Task 1
Explain the following words/phrases in your own words. Write your explanation in the column next to the word/phrase:
To be off work
To be on vacation or on sabbatical, can also relate to short or long term disabilities – time when you do not have to be present at work
Psychometric tests
Assessment of psychological personality traits of an individuals
Performance related bonuses
Bonuses – financial or non-financial directly related to the results of your work (e.g. a bonus a sales person gets if they sell according to plan)
A merger
When two companies decide to combine their assets and become one company. This is a voluntary action where both companies see the benefits from merging rather than operating independently.
A permanent job
A job, usually relating to full time employment and when there is no fixed end date of contact. Most office jobs have a permanent nature, after a trial period (of usually three months) an employee ...