Task 1
The myth itself, launched back in Soviet times, that education guarantees success in life, I think today is wrong. Unfortunately, today the paradigm is different. Today, to obtain satisfactory results in life, you need to work well, for good results - great, for excellent results - you need extra effort. Today we live in a world of competition and in order to achieve success there are not enough excellent results, which are given along with higher education in universities.
Task 2
The Hispanic population in the United States (about 39 million) is an important consumer group for large companies.
A recent study found that Spanish viewers are very influenced by television advertising when they buy products, and they also know more about brands than other people in the United States.
Another conclusion of the study was that the usual methods of advertising attract Spanish-speaking people, although other viewers are tired of them. Some interesting statistics: 52% or Hispanics ...